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Sofia Hernandez takes on new role at community

When Sofia Hernandez first joined Manor of the Plains back in January it was to serve as dietary aide/cook. After just two short months on the job, she had impressed her supervisors so much that she was recommended for a new position as a social service designee.

“I actually was asking about becoming a CNA [Certified Nursing Assistant] while I was a dietary aide/cook and my lovely boss, Tammy, told me about this job and it sounded perfect for me, so I took it!” said Sofia.

In her new position, Sofia’s primary responsibility is to assess the cognitive and emotional wellbeing of the community’s residents and serve as an advocate on their behalf—a job that has both personal and professional benefits.

“I love that I get to meet new people and learn new things in this environment,” said Sofia.

Away from work, Sofia is finishing up her degree at Dodge City Community College, “I’m just two classes away from graduating!” She enjoys spending time with her boyfriend, her two dogs, four cats and a foster dog.

She is also really enjoying her time at Manor of the Plains and greatly appreciates the opportunity she has been given.

“I just feel so honored to have been chosen for this position and I want to thank the people who thought of me when the position opened up,” said Sofia.

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