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Doll Younker has it covered

From unlocking the doors after hours to watering plants in B hall, if there is a need, Doll Younker is there to lend a hand.

A resident since 2011, Doll enjoys the chance to volunteer because it provides her with a great opportunity to get a little better acquainted with her fellow residents.

“Volunteering gets you out and allows you to visit with more people,” said Doll.

One of Doll’s regular responsibilities is watering the plants in B hall—a task she not only enjoys but is particularly well suited for.

“I try to water everything at least once a week to get them growing,” said Doll. “They tell me I have a green thumb—I have just always enjoyed plants and gardening.”

Believe it or not, as busy as Doll is, her current schedule is actually her version of taking it easy.

“I used to make all of the clothing protectors for health care and assisted living, but I decided when I got to be 90 it was time to slow down,” said Doll.

When asked what she enjoys most about living in the community, Doll is quick to mention her fellow residents.

“We have a good group down here that get together to play cards, eat meals and pass the time together,” said Doll.

Doll is even part of a daily 6 a.m. walking group that does laps at the mall before ending up at Wendy’s for coffee.

When she’s not spending time with other residents, Doll enjoys spending time with her four kids, 10 grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren.

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